UCF Planetary Science Journal Club

UCF Planetary Science Journal Club

Planetary Science Journal Club seminar series is back on!

Meetings are conducted on Fridays at 11:00 – 12:30 in Room 160/161 of the PS building (building 121) and Zoom (contact us for connection details). Meetings start with elevenses, an opportunity for everyone to informally mingle over a beverage and snacks. The seminar starts at 11:30am.

At our seminar series, everyone is welcome to bring food items and/or snacks and participate. The meetings last about 45 minutes, and are very informal. There will either be a research seminar or (preferably) a journal club.

A general list of topics and ground rules can be found here.

Please contact the organizer(s), Elena Dolgas ( edolgas at ucf.edu) or Theodora Karalidi (tkaralidi at ucf.edu)  if you have questions or would like to give a talk.
Visit the archive page for this seminar series to see a list of speakers in past semesters, and some statistics on who has given talks.

Spring 2025

#46604/18Rhiannon Hicks
#46504/11Elizabeth FaulknerEvolution of Saturn’s mid sized moons
#46404/04Sean Burnette
#46303/28Angelina MinochaThe curious case of the missing mantle
#46203/21——–LPSC week
#46103/14——–Spring break
#46103/07LPSC practice
#46002/28Myrla PhillippeNASA’s Pandora SmallSat (p1 and p2)
#45902/21Taylor BourikasOrbital identification of widespread hydrated silica deposits in Gale crater
#45802/14Carlos OrtizThe Implications of Thermal Hydrodynamic Atmospheric Escape on the TRAPPIST-1 Planets
#45702/7No PSJC———————————————
#45501/24Cameron CollyerInfrared Excess Observed on Dwarf Planet Makemake
#45401/17Jonathan KeathleyComparing the habitable zone of terrestrial planets orbiting M and K dwarf Stars
#45301/10John Noonan (Auburn)Unravelling Small Body Mysteries with Atomic and Molecular Physics
