PhD Program

PhD Program

This page describes many of the details about the Planetary Sciences Track within our department’s Physics PhD program. Visit the MS page for information on our Master’s program. Note that we may refer to the track as the “PhD program” but this should not cause confusion. Our PhD track emphasizes research from the first semester, since writing a paper and submitting it to a journal is a candidacy requirement, and one can only formally start dissertation research once one has been admitted to candidacy (a.k.a. “ABD”).

A very good source of information about the program is our Graduate Program Handbook – 2024/25: Physics MS and PhD, Planetary Sciences Track. The most recent version is dated on May 26, 2024. More info can be found at the Graduate Catalog webpage about our track and the department’s webpage the whole graduate program (not just our track).

Applying to the Program

For information on general UCF graduate admissions requirements that apply to all prospective students, please visit the Admissions and Registration section of the Graduate Catalog and the Physics Master’s/Doctoral Handbook. Applicants must apply online.

Information about admission to the Planetary Sciences track itself can be found in the Graduate Catalog’s pages about the Ph.D. and M.S. programs. There is information also on the Physics Department website.

All requested materials must be submitted by the established deadline(s). There is a page with UCF’s application requirements. Requirements for our program in particular are in the Graduate CatalogNote that we no longer require a GRE score. Our admissions committee recognizes the limitations in the ability of the GRE test to predict success in graduate school. (Background info about this topic is here and here.)

Note that the statement of goals is particularly important. Applicants should identify one or more projects/areas they would be interested in pursuing as a potential dissertation topic, and discuss their specific project interests in their applications. It helps to also have contacted beforehand faculty or researchers who might advise them. Students can always change projects once in the program, provided that another project is available. More advice and suggestions about applying to our program can be found on our Jobs page. In particular, applicants should closely follow the application essay instructions on that page!  We need detail about an applicant’s research experiences to fully evaluate your application.  We will want to know: what did YOU do, what problems did you face, and how did you handle them? Applicants with no research experience in planetary science, geophysics, astronomy, or astrophysics are rarely, if ever, accepted.

Note that students must be specifically admitted to the Graduate Planetary Sciences track. External applications and petitions to switch from the existing Physics graduate program are considered by the Planetary Graduate Committee.

Admission to the track requires a Bachelor of Science or equivalent, typically in physics, astronomy, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, atmospheric sciences, biology, mathematics, or planetary sciences. Those without full academic preparation in relevant natural sciences may be required to complete specified coursework in addition to the core program, as determined by the Planetary Graduate Committee at the time of admission or their Supervisory Committee at a later date. Petitions to switch from the existing Physics graduate program shall be in the form of a letter to the Planetary Sciences Graduate Committee addressed to the track’s Graduate Coordinator. The letter should include the request to join the Planetary Sciences Track, the student’s degree goal (Master’s or Ph.D.), the name of the student’s planetary sciences advisor, and a brief description of their expected area of research.

Note that just meeting minimum UCF admissions criteria does not guarantee program admission. Admission is based on the applicant’s abilities, past performance, recommendations, match of this program and our faculty’s expertise to the applicant’s career/academic goals, the applicant’s potential for completing the degree, available positions, and other factors.

The application deadlines are as follows:

Admission semester:Fall PriorityFallSpring
Domestic applicationsDecember 1July 1December 1
International applicationsDecember 1January 1July 1

We prefer to receive complete applications by December 1, so please do not wait until January 1 (international) or July 1 (domestic) to complete your application. We of course look at all applications that are submitted by the deadline, but even a great application may be rejected if it is submitted so late in the process that we simply do not have any more open slots for new students.

Applications received by January 1 will receive full consideration for funding, and fellowships are unlikely for applications received after this date. We evaluate applications in January, February, and March each year and make most admissions decisions and funding commitments (GRAs and GTAs) then. Officially, we can admit as late as June for Fall enrollment, and we can admit for Spring enrollment, but such cases are atypical. Since July 1 is UCF’s official cutoff for Fall, that is listed as the application deadline, but those seeking financial support should apply by January 1.

Graduate students may receive financial assistance through fellowships, assistantships, tuition support, or loans. For more information, see Financing Grad School, which describes the types of financial assistance available at UCF and provides general guidance in planning your graduate finances. The Financial Information section of the Graduate Catalog is another key resource.

Note that UCF does have a policy regarding parental leave for GTAs and GRAs; paid leave is provided for up to six weeks.

About the Program

Curious about what it’s like to be in our graduate program? Read the interviews with some of our current grad students!

Courses in the Program

Currently we offer the following courses. All the required courses will be offered at least once per 2 academic years. The exact frequency of a course may vary due to the particulars of staffing and graduate student population. Electives are offered as teaching schedules permit. Note that the most up-to-date info about what courses are being offered can be found at UCF’s course schedule webpage. The Graduate Catalog also has info about some of these courses.

Core courses
AST 5154Advanced Planetary GeophysicsApprox. Every Odd SpringRequired
AST 5263Advanced Observational AstronomyApprox. Every Even SpringRequired
AST 5765Advanced Astronomical Data AnalysisFallRequired
AST 5151Physics of Planetary ProcessesApprox. Every Odd FallRequired
AST 6165Planetary AtmospheresApprox. Every Even SpringRequired
PHY 6246Classical MechanicsFallRequired
Very strongly-recommended electives
AST 5145Advanced Asteroids Comets MeteoritesVariesElective
AST 6112Origin and Evolution of Planetary SystemsVariesElective
Other electives
PHY 5524Statistical PhysicsSpringElective
AST 5038AstrobiologyOccasionalElective
AST 5334Extrasolar Planets and Brown DwarfsOccasionalElective
AST 6156Current Topics in Planetary ScienceOccasionalElective (and can be repeated for credit)
AST 6938Special TopicsOccasionalElective (and can be repeated for credit)
PHZ 5156Computational PhysicsOccasionalPotential alternate to AST 5765 (w/advisor approval)
MAP 6469Bayesian Analysis & Approximation TheoryEven SpringElective
OSE 5041Introduction to Wave OpticsOccasionalElective
OSE 5203Geometrical OpticsOccasionalElective

Note that the most up-to-date info about what courses are being offered can be found at UCF’s course schedule webpage. Some info about when the above elective courses have been or will be offered (there are of course other possible electives) is below:

• Academic Year 24/25: Fall 2024: AST 5038 Astrobiology, AST 5145 Asteroids Comets Meteors, OSE 5041 Intro to Wave Optics. Spring 2025: PHY 5524 Statistical Physics, PHZ 5156 Computational, AST 6112 Origins, OSE 5203 Geometrical Optics.

• Academic Year 23/24: Fall 2023: AST 5145 Asteroids Comets Meteors, MAP 6469 Bayesian. Spring 2024: PHY 5524 Statistical Physics, PHZ 5156 Computational.

• Academic Year 22/23: Fall 2022: AST 5038 Astrobiology, AST 5145 Asteroids Comets Meteors. Spring 2023: AST 6112 Origins, AST 5334 Extrasolar Planets/Brown Dwarfs, AST 6156 Current Topics, PHY 5524 Statistical Physics, PHZ 5156 Computational.

• Academic Year 21/22: Fall 2021: none. Spring 2022: MAP 6469 Bayesian, PHY 5524 Statistical Physics, PHZ 5156 Computational.

Example Course Sequences for Graduate Students

Here are some example course sequences that allow entering students to get through the coursework by the end of the second year in the program. In theory, this allows the student to take the candidacy exam in the summer of the second year. Full-time, pre-candidacy students must take 9 credits in Fall, 9 credits in Spring, and 6 credits in Summer.  PhD candidates must take at least 3 credits in Fall, Spring, and Summer (typically these are Dissertation credits), and may register for more, such as electives, with advisor approval. Note that some GRAs and Fellowships do not cover more than the minimum tuition.

In the parlance of UCF, 9 credits of courses — even if some of those credits are research credit — is considered a half load and ostensibly takes up 20 hours per week of a 40-hour work week. The other half, the other 20 hours of a work week, is typically taken up by the job you are paid for: i.e., a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) or Graduate Research Assistant (GRA). As a “full-time” GTA, you are paid for 20 hours per week as a teaching assistant. As a “full-time” GRA, you are paid for 20 hours per week on research.

The research that you do in your first two years is supposed to be the research that leads to a submitted manuscript in time for your candidacy exam. See the Graduate Track Handbook for discussion of the candidacy paper’s presentation and the oral defense.

Students entering in the program in Fall 2023:

Fall 2023Spring 2024Summer 2024Fall 2024Spring 2025
PHY 6246 (3cr) Classical Mech.AST 6165 (3cr) Atmo.Research (6cr)AST 5145 (3cr) ACMAST 6112 (3cr) Origins
AST 5151 (3cr) PPPAST 5263 (3cr) Obsv.Research or elective (3cr)AST 5154 (3cr) Geophys.
AST 5765 (3cr) DataResearch or elective (3cr)Research or elective (3cr)Research or elective (3cr)

Students entering in the program in Fall 2024:

Fall 2024Spring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026
PHY 6246 (3cr) Classical Mech.AST 6112 (3cr) OriginsResearch (6cr)AST 5151 (3cr) PPPAST 6165 (3cr) Atmo.
AST 5145 (3cr) ACMAST 5154 (3cr) GeophysicsResearch or elective (3cr)AST 5263 (3cr) Obsv.
AST 5765 (3cr) DataResearch or elective (3cr)Research or elective (3cr)Research or elective (3cr)

[[[Revising the text here; check back later. —Ed.]]]