Public Event Schedule

Three celestial objects viewed through telescopes: Saturn, a diffuse nebula with text "Through the eyepieces," and a close-up of the moon's surface.

Public Event Schedule

One week before each scheduled event, the event times will become clickable links to a form that you can use to register.

Please reserve your space (weather permitting) by clicking the linked time you wish to attend and completing the form. We will send you an email confirming or cancelling the event a few hours before the event time depending on whether it is too cloudy or good weather for observing.

General Info About KUTS and Robinson Observatory

  • Note that any times/dates that we do list would be the only times that are we are open to the public.
  • Groups are limited to 5 as we have extremely limited parking and limited capacity.
  • If you have any questions about KUTS, send email to RobinsonObservatory@ucf.eduHowever please do not telephone the Physics Department for info about KUTS! The only way to get info about KUTS is to send email to
  • Scroll down to the bottom of this page to learn more about what happens at our KUTS events (at least as they were when they were in-person).
  • Directions to the observatory are available on the main observatory page
  • We strongly recommend that visitors review our safety guidelines before coming to the observatory.
  • Wondering why we don’t set up events to watch meteor showers? Have another question about the observatory? Check our FAQ.
  • Interested in making a donation to the observatory? It’s easy.