Water Ice and Organics on the Surface of the Asteroid 24 Themis
On the April 29 issue of the journal Nature, UCF faculty Drs. Humberto Campins and Yanga Fernandez and student Kelsey Hargrove report the first detection of water ice and organic material on an asteroid. This discovery has implications on the origin of water, organic molecules, and life on Earth.
GJ 436b: Where’s the Methane?
The GJ 436 system is located only 33 light-years away, in the constellation Leo. Around a relatively small M-dwarf star, orbits the Neptune-sized planet GJ 436b. This extrasolar planet completes one revolution in just 2.64 days, following an elliptical path that takes it ~10 times closer to its parent star than Mercury’s orbit does to the…
Save the date for Winter Workshop 2011!
Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference to be held in the Pegasus Ballroom on the UCF main campus in Orlando from Monday February 28 – Wednesday March 2, 2011.
ANNOUNCEMENT: UCF Winter WORKSHOP 2010: Exoplanets for Planetary Scientists
University of Central Florida Campus Orlando, Florida, USA 6-8 January 2010 We have changed the name to reduce confusion: It’s not just for students! This is a research workshop. The abstract deadline has been extended to 2009-Oct-31. Special Speakers and Session Leaders include Alan Stern, Eric Gaidos, Renu Malhotra, Adam Showman, Andrew Collier Cameron,…
Impact on Jupiter!
UCF is hosting a web page to index observations and results related to the impact of a comet on Jupiter on the 19th. See
UCF Co-Hosts Brown-Dwarf and Exoplanet Conference in China During Eclipse
New Technologies for Probing the Diversity of Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets will be held in Shanghai, China, during the longest solar eclipse of this century (July 22). UCF Faculty members Eduardo Martin and Michele Montgomery are organizer and LOC member, respectively.
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: UCF Winter Workshop 2010: Exoplanets for Planetary Scientists
University of Central Florida Campus Orlando, Florida, USA 6-8 January 2010 This warm winter workshop will bring together experts in exoplanet observation and planetary theory, delivering both the latest research results and school-style talks on applying planetary science to exoplanetary problems.
Planetary Science Researcher Tests Methods for Finding Life on ExtraSolar Planets
UCF Prof. Eduardo Martin was part of a team that used the spectrum of the Earth – reflected from the Moon during a lunar eclipse – to simulate the search for life on extrasolar planets. The study was published today in Nature.
UCF Student Visiting the Southwest in Search of Meteorites
University of Central Florida graduate student Robert Macke has packed up his car for a three-month road trip in search of meteorites. He will visit collections in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.